Brèves / 31.05.2013

N’oublions pas Eddie C. Campbell


Bien que désormais soigné dans sa bonne ville de Chicago, Eddie C. Campbell, victime en janvier dernier d’une attaque qui l’a laissé paralysé du côté droit, n’est pas tiré d’affaire. La rééducation sera bien sûr très longue, mais les traitements en place commencent à agir et Eddie progresse, ce dont témoigne son épouse Barbara dans un message récent.  D’un point de vue strictement médical, le bluesman qui a perdu beaucoup de poids (mais il remange régulièrement) souffre de troubles sensoriels et d’élocution qui le handicapent pour s’exprimer, mais il communique un peu mieux chaque jour. Concernant la paralysie, même si c’est faible, on note des premiers signes de mouvements.  Eddie semble également décidé à lutter car il parvient à jouer seul de la guitare de la main gauche, et lors d’une visite de son filleul Lurrie Bell, il a surpris son entourage en se mettant à chanter ! Croisons donc les doigts… Ci-dessous, l’intégralité du message de Barbara Campbell (barbara.blues@gmail.com), à laquelle on peut toujours faire des dons à cette adresse.

« Just a note to say that I hope these lines find everyone in good spirits. Though he isn’t out of the woods yet, Eddie is slowly coming around. Until a week ago Eddie was not fully engaged in his therapies, which have now proven to be of tremendous benefit; he is participating and is more alert and present. Eddie is suffering from what’s called trans-cortical sensory aphasia. This expressive as well as receptive aphasia greatly impacts his ability to communicate as he normally would. However, he is communicating more fluently every day. There was a severe loss of weight but he is now beginning to eat. Where there was paralysis there are now, albeit small, but nevertheless signs of motion. He took his first few steps with his physiotherapist last Friday. He played his guitar with his left hand alone. The notes sparkled resonantly. It was amazing that Eddie could, with his mind on automatic, once again create such a wonderful sound and bring a guitar to life. It is vital that we have the resources to keep up the therapy required in order for Eddie C. to stand the greatest chance of a 100 % recovery. We’ve got to get him playing that guitar again and walking and talking the way only Eddie C. can. Please come celebrate Eddie C's welcome home and birthday celebration (ndlr : aujourd’hui 31 mai, un concert de soutien est organisé au Legends pour marquer son soixante-quatorzième anniversaire)… This will be his first outing since the tragedy of January 20th. Who knows surrounded by the musicians and fans who love him perhaps it is that he will be moved to once again sing us a song, as he did on his birthday when his godson Lurrie Bell came to visit him. Lurrie played soft and hauntingly and suddenly to the amazement of the few gathered together Eddie suddenly to everyone's surprise began to sing centered, deliberate and sedate yet powerfully Eddie’s voice resonated through the room, our minds and hearts. His timing was as always flawless singing with the cadence that only Eddie C. can deliver… »