Brèves / 14.04.2023

Ça vient de sortir [14 avril 2023] : The Wood Brothers, Sandra Nkaké, Jake Isaac, William Bell, Terri Walker, Joe Krown…

Sélection parmi les sorties de ce vendredi.

The Wood Brothers : “Heart Is The Hero” (Honey Jar)

Sandra Nkaké : “Scars” (PIAS)

Jake Isaac : “For When It Hurts” (Oil+Water)

William Bell : “One Day Closer To Home” (Wilbe) 

Terri Walker : “My Love Story” (Wings of a Hummingbirds) 

Joe Krown : “Tribute” (Sledgehammer Blues) 

Raphael Wressnig & Igor Prado : “Live” (PepperCake)

El Michels Affair & Black Thought : “Glorious Games” (Big Crown)

Jai’Len Josey : “Southern Delicacy” (Def Jam)

Black ThoughtEl Michels AffairIgor PradoJai’Len JoseyJake IsaacJoe KrownRaphael WressnigSandra NkakéTerri WalkerThe Wood BrothersWilliam Bell